Happy(Our) Evolution Questions from David Carnes

David Carnes | October 2018

Our next Happy(our) event is one week away and I’m excited for it. The topic for this one is Evolution.

Evolution is one of my favorite ArcStone values because I think of it as a universal spiritual force — God pushing things forward. It’s the Dance of Shiva, the art of creation and destruction, the practice of learning and letting go. There is so much within the idea of evolution, so much to explore.

I’ve grown to love moderating these discussions and we’ve got some great guests lined up:

  • Marianne Coombs — MPR reporter
  • Alexei Moon Casselle — Musician and Educator
  • Mike Schwandt — Creative Advertiser and Founder of Bauhaus Brew Labs
  • Daniel Corrigan — Photographer

I thought that I’d take a few minutes and post some of the questions I’m considering asking our incredible panelists. 

I would be thrilled if you would contribute — help me hone these questions. Better yet, save any really good ones you have and come to the event yourself and ask them!

Potential Questions

  • What have been the biggest changes in your life that you’ve had to adjust to? What helped most when navigating those changes?

  • Usually when something new comes along you have to let go of the old to make room for the new. What have been some things you have to let go of? Any advice to make this easier?

  • How do you know when to let go of something?

  • The pace of life and change continues to accelerate, what are some of the strategies you’ve used or considered using to keep pace?

  • What’s the “edge” of your craft currently? How are you evolving now?

  • Do you have any routines or practices that have really helped you in your career or personal life?

  • Is there any one person or an organization that you really admire that demonstrates the art of skillful evolution?

  • How do you approach starting something new?

  • Evolution in nature starts with genetic mutation. Cultural/artistic/personal evolution seems to come from new ideas or novel combinations of ideas. How do you come up with new stuff / ideas?

  • Knowing all the change you’ve gone through in your life, what advice would you give your 20 year-old self?

  • All of you are involved in groups/organizations. What are some strategies you use to evolve a group or organization?

  • When you hear the term evolution, what comes to mind for you?

  • Can you sum up the secret of successfully evolving in 3 words or less?

Tweet your ideas to me @dcarnes or email dcarnes@arcstone.com.



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